2023 Leagues Saturday, May 28 through Saturday, September 3.
Everyone is welcome to shoot on a league. Teams do not need to shoot together, and rounds can be shot ahead. Registration – $50/team
Trap and Skeet League Scoring Rules
1. Teams must have 5 to 7 members. The top 5 scores will be used to compute the weekly team score. Team members may shoot for a score on any day that the range is open.
2. The shooter is responsible to see that the sheet is marked as a “League” round before the round starts. Sheets not marked are the fault of the shooter, not the scorer.
3. League scoring will continue for 14 weeks.
4. Shooting in advance is allowed.
5. The board will decide how to shoot off any ties that may occur.
6. When signing up for rounds of trap or skeet, shooters are not allowed to sign up on consecutive sheets.
7. There will be no substitute shooters for any league rounds.
8. Twelve (12) scores are required from each shooter to complete the event. Five (5) team members must complete the event for the team to finish. After the 12 rounds are done, one extra round may be shot as a “Redo” of a previous score. The “Redo” must be declared to the scorer prior to the start of the round.